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29501 Greenfield Rd Suite 132 Southfield MI 48076 Call Today 248-963-7324
Whether you have experienced a miscarriage, multiple miscarriages, or are trying to conceive -- Pregnancy Loss Support is here for you. We help people who have experienced pregnancy loss find healing in their grief and help those struggling with infertility find hope again.
The pain of pregnancy loss and miscarriage is deep, powerful and unique to each individual. It can be frustrating to try to find accurate information on the internet and books just don’t seem to do justice. Let us help. We know how much it hurts and that your journey can seem so lonely. We want you to know that there is hope and healing in your future and we can help.
The statistic is terrifying. Miscarriages are common, but no one talks about them. Miscarriages are extremely common – one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. Seventy-five percent of women who have had a miscarriage have never discussed it with anyone.
Miscarriage is a tragedy. It's a loss not just to the parents, but also to the families and friends around them.
Sadly, we know that the journey through pregnancy loss and infertility can be extremely difficult. We offer support men, women and families experiencing infertility, pregnancy loss and other challenges.
It's not an easy thing to talk about, but unfortunately, it is a very real part of pregnancy.
Grief and loss are very common during pregnancy, especially if you have experienced a miscarriage. It can be hard to know how to deal with the sadness that comes with losing your baby.
Here are some tips for coping with grief and loss in pregnancy:
-Talk about it! If you feel like your partner and family aren't understanding, find someone who can be there for you. A friend or therapist could help you work through this time.
-Take care of yourself. You need to eat well, drink plenty of water, and get plenty of sleep so that you can stay healthy while dealing with this loss. You'll also want to remember to take care of any medical issues that may come up during this time (like migraines or depression).
-Remember that this isn't your fault! Many people start blaming themselves when they miscarry—but it's important not to do this! Miscarriage happens because of many different reasons—not because something was wrong with either parent or their genes.
After a pregnancy loss, it can be hard to know what to expect. There's no right way to feel, and no timeline that works for everyone.
But one thing you can count on is that your emotions will change over time. You might feel angry one day and sad the next, or you might feel numb for a few days and then suddenly overcome with grief.
It's important to get support during this time—from friends, family members, and even from professionals like therapists or counselors. And there are lots of ways to get support! Here are some suggestions:
-Talk about your feelings with someone you trust—it doesn't matter if they've been through something similar; just having someone listen is really helpful at this time.
-Write down your thoughts so that you have a record of what you're feeling and thinking about the loss (this is especially important if you're trying to conceive again).
-Create a photo album or scrapbook as part of your healing process; you can include pictures from when you were pregnant with your baby and other mementos that remind you of him or her (like ultrasound photos).
What is next? What should I expect when starting therapy?
We understand that this process can be overwhelming, and we want to help you through it
We can help. We support your journey. We know too well the loss that comes with a pregnancy that has ended too soon. Whether you have experienced a miscarriage, loss of a baby at birth or early childhood, or infertility... We can help.
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